A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Cloud Out" is a narrative-driven walking simulator that uses humor and oddity to engage players in a unique first-person experience. Developed in Unreal Engine 4 for Game Jam 2024 with the theme "Make Me Laugh," the game revolves around a patient who begins a therapy session but quickly zones out into a whimsical, surreal world called "Clouds".

As the player navigates through various memories and humorous scenarios, they encounter a series of mechanics including platforming, AI interactions, and the ability to pick up and throw objects, heavily utilizing physics.

The core mechanic is finding and going through doors, each leading to different levels filled with challenges and funny twists. The ultimate goal is to complete the therapy session, with the twist ending revealing that the therapy was actually a conversation with a homeless man in an alley, not a therapist.

In developing "Cloud Out," I served as the lead game designer, level designer, task manager, and environment designer playing a crucial role in shaping the game's design and mechanics.


Cloud OUT

Install instructions

Please download the file from Google Drive and unzip it.

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